Mánudagur, 24. september 2007
Garbage Artwork Exhibition
On the 15th September, the Clean Up The Coastline team will launch a garbage artwork exhibition, with sculptures created by school children. This will last for 1 week in the Winter Garden, Smáralind shopping center. In addition to the artwork, there will also be photos from Veraldarvinirs work camps (including entries to the photo competition) and a childrens corner.
The launch event will be on Saturday 15th September at 2pm and will include a musical performance from Fossvogsskóli.
Veraldarvinir will be supported by Víkurskóli, Fossvogsskóli, Grandaskóli, Korpuskóli, Húsaskóli, Breiđholtskóli, Suđurhiđarskóli, Klébergsskóli, Borgaskóli, Landvernd, Náttúruverndarsamtök Íslands, Umhverfisstofnun, Umbúðamiðlun.