Ghost Fishing

Ghost fishing describes fishing nets on the coastline and in the sea. Abandoned fishing equipment has the ability to trap and kill fish, seabirds, turtles and marine mammals. Fishing nets on the seabed can interfere with coral plants and there growth. Between 1996 - 2007, 205 turtles have been found trapped in fishing nets on Cape Arnhem, Austrialia, including 4 species of endangered turtles. In addition, ghost fishing is a visual problem, especially on the coastline. Fishing nets floating in the sea cause many problems with the operation of sea vessels by getting trapped in propellers.

The following website has more information on ghost fishing:

The photos show some nets found in Neskaupstadur, East Iceland, which were recovered.

fishing netfish net 2

On Arrvial Training

The month of May has been devoted to training the new EVS and to prepare them for a busy summer flitting from work camp to work camp. The Clean Up the Coastline team participated in this training by having a day based around a coastal clean up. The team took time to explain how to monitor garbage found at coastal areas and the best way of organising a clean up.

An area measuring 30 x 30 metres was laid out, and all of the waste within collected. Then the garbage was sorted into categories such as plastics, paper, metal, cans etc. Finally the garbage was weighed. It is hoped that in the near future, it will be possible to set up some research looking at where garbage in Iceland comes from and how much is arriving.

The day, part of a simulated work camp in Neskaupstadar, East Iceland, was a great success, and lots of garbage was collected.



Clean up activity in as part of the Falling Walls, Moving Cultures seminar

The first beach of 2007 to be cleaned was part of the coastline outside the house of the President of Iceland, at Bessastadir. The beach clean up was included in a seminar organised by Veraldavinir, called 'Falling Walls, Moving Cultures', and involved children from immigrant families in Iceland.

 clean up sat 1

The day began with a garbage game, where the participants had to construct animals from the waste found on the beach. Many interesting designs were made, but the winner was the group who constructed the garbage mouse.


After the game, a clean-up activity was carried out. The children, parents, teachers and members of the seminar group cleaned the beach, despite heavy winds. Many pieces of garbage were found including wood, an oil drum, a tyre and various pieces of plastic. 

rubbish after cleanup

 Veraldavinir´s first clean up activity of 2007 was a complete success and was enjoyed by all!



A very dirty beach indeed

The following photos were taken from a beach near Reykjavik. Try to spot the garbage in the third picture!

dirty beachdirty beach 2



Clean Up the Coastline discussion

hreinsunThe Clean Up the Coastline Project is an ambitious five year project, aimed at cleaning up Iceland´s beaches. We would welcome any ideas, comments and suggestions in order for us to improve the project.

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