Our progress so far...

We are roughly over half way through the summer workcamp season and so far the Clean Up the Coastline Project has had great success. We have had more than 15 work camps with Clean Up the Coastline activities, and have also carried out some garbage monitering at various locations. The project has been warmly received in communities all over Iceland, and we have been working hard with our local contacts to organise these clean up events. We have many pictures from various different camps, which we will put on the blog.


We have already 2 schools willing to take part, and another 12 more who might be interested in the project. We are also hoping to expand the project to schools in Hafnarfjoerdur and Reykjanesbęr. Veraldavinir is also organising an art festival, Arte Diem, which brings toegther artists from all over the world. They will build art work, and music based on garbage and the Clean Up the Coastline topic. The Clean Up the Coastline team is currently looking for sponsorship from companies in the Reykjavik area for the exhibition. 

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