Teaching In Schools

The project so far…

The Clean Up The Coastline team has been busy teaching in schools in Reykjavik and preparing the Clean Up The Coastline exhibition in Smįralind Winter Garden. The school children involved will create artwork from the garbage they find on the beach, which will go on display in the exhibition.

The teaching covers the three main topics below:

Anton teaching 

How garbage arrives on the coastline?

This is done with a giant map of Iceland. The children act out wind, sea, and people throwing garbage from Iceland, UK, America and Russia. They learn that the wind and sea currents move the garbage.

Why garbage is a problem on the coastline?

This is shown through a series of photos of animals in distress so the children can learn about the impacts on nature of garbage at the beach.

How to solve the problem of garbage on the coastline?

The final part of the lesson is about the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The children take part in environmentally friendly shopping, where they have to choose which food products create less waste. They also give ideas for reusing various pieces of garbage, such as cd cases.

The children get the chance to clean a local beach in the afternoon and can find pieces of garbage for their artwork.

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