31.3.2007 | 18:31
workcamps 2007
Here is a list of the camps that we offer in 2007
Camp Code | Place | Date | Number of vols |
WF-1 | Neskaupstaður | 01/06 15/06 | 8 vols |
WF-2 | Hveragerði | 02/06 16/06 | 8 vols |
WF-3 | Borgarfjörður Eystri | 03/06 16/06 | 8 vols |
WF-4 | Þórshöfn | 03/06 16/06 | 8 vols |
WF-5 | Gunnarsholt | 04/06 17/06 | 8 vols |
WF-6 | Eskifjörður | 13/06 27/06 | 12 vols |
WF-7 | Vík í Mýrdal | 14/06 28/06 | 12 vols |
WF-8 | Akureyri | 15/06 28/06 | 12 vols |
WF-9 | Neskaupstaður | 25/06 09/07 | 12 vols |
WF-10 | Siglufjörður | 27/06 10/07 | 12 vols |
WF-11 | Hveragerði | 28/06 11/07 | 12 vols |
WF-12 | Fáskrúðsfjörður/Stöðvarfj | 30/06 14/07 | 12 vols |
WF-13 | Sólheimar | 01/07 13/07 | 12 vols |
WF-14 | Húsavík | 02/07 16/07 | 12 vols |
WF-15 | Flateyri | 03/07 16/07 | 12 vols |
WF-16 | Mosfellsbær | 06/07 19/07 | 12 vols |
WF-17 | Eskifjörður | 07/07 21/07 | 12 vols |
WF-18 | Dalvík | 08/07 22/07 | 10 vols |
WF-19 | Reyðarfjörður | 12/07 26/07 | 12 vols |
WF-20 | Sólheimar | 13/07 26/07 | 12 vols |
WF-21 | Grundarfjörður | 15/07 29/07 | 12 vols |
WF-22 | Grímsey | 16/07 30/07 | 12 vols |
WF-41 | Akranes | 18/07 01/08 | 12 vols |
WF-23 | Höfn | 19/07 02/08 | 12 vols |
WF-24 | Neskaupstaður | 19/07 02/08 | 12 vols |
WF-25 | Siglufjörður | 21/07 03/08 | 12 vols |
WF-26 | Fáskrúðsfjörður/Stöðvarfj | 24/07 07/08 | 12 vols |
WF-28 | Bolungarvík | 28/07 11/08 | 12 vols |
WF-29 | Eyjafjörður | 29/07 14/08 | 12 vols |
WF-30 | Eskifjörður | 01/08 14/08 | 12 vols |
WF-31 | Siglufjörður | 02/08 15/08 | 12 vols |
WF-32 | Hveragerði | 03/08 16/08 | 12 vols |
WF-33 | Reyðarfjörður | 05/08 19/08 | 12 vols |
WF-34 | Stykkishólmur | 10/08 24/08 | 12 vols |
WF-35 | Neskaupstaður | 13/08 27/08 | 12 vols |
WF-36 | Hvolsvöllur | 16/08 29/08 | 12 vols |
WF-38 | Eskifjörður | 25/08 08/09 | 12 vols |
WF-40 | Sólheimar | 30/08 13/09 | 12 vols |
WF-39 | Neskaupstaður | 06/09 19/09 | 12 vols |
WF-42 | Eskifjörður | 17/09 30/09 | 12 vols |
General Information about our workcamps 2007
You can find information about our workcamps in our website www.wf.is
Here are some general information

Participation fees
In the last years we have collected a participation fee from our incoming volunteers to cover the running costs of the projects and also the overhead of the organization. The reason for this is the fact that the concept of a workcamp, were not known here in Iceland when we started our first camp. Now when we are in the beginning of our fifth season we can say that we have managed to introduce this great programme to almost all local communities here in Iceland and they have learned to appreciate the work, the cultural differences and the atmosphere that our volunteers are bringing to their daily life. We are proud to be considered pioneers in this field here in Iceland.
Today we are ready to accept volunteers on the same basis as other European organization, without a fee unless for special workcamps. The 40 camps that you will find here below are founded by local communities, governmental institutions, local companies and individuals which are willing to contribute for the cause of a decent voluntary work and a successful workcamp. We are thankful for this and we hope that the volunteers will appreciate it as well.
Study theme
In many of our camps this year we will certain study theme:Our main focus will be on Environmental issues so in twenty of the camps the study theme is: Global warming and new energy - Our climate, our actions, our future It is necessary to take action on a local level to help address this very global issue. Although climate change seem like a complex issue there is a wide variety of simple actions that every individual and community can take to make a difference. Energy conservation, educational programs, planting trees, walk to work and waste reduction. Those actions are just few of the possible options that we can choose from in our daily life.Iceland is also a country with lot of potentials in so called New energy We want to raise the awareness of our campers and the local communites about those issues and hopefully they will get some knowledge from our study sessions. In three of the camps the study theme will be The hidden people, alfs and trolls and in one camp we will have the study theme The Icelandic Saga.
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