11.4.2007 | 17:13
Clean Up the World
Clean Up the Coastline
Veraldarvinir's Clean Up the Coastline (CUC) project aims to clean the beaches of Iceland within 5 years by collecting waste in collaboration with international volunteers, school children, students, youth and environmental organistions and businesses. The majority of this will take place in over 30 two-week workcamps around the coast of Iceland. Besides cleaning the coastline, we also want to teach people about environmental issues and prove that taking care of the environment can be loads of fun. The cleaning events will not be boring work but fun filled, action packed activities that go along with games, music, art and education. Furthermore, we want to launch research projects investigating the garbage we pick at the sea shore. We want to know more about the characteristics of the garbage, its harmfulness and its origins.
Veraldarvinir is supported in its Clean Up the Coastline project by the Ministry of Environment, the Farmers Association, the Association of Local Authorities in Iceland, the University of Iceland and the international organisation Clean Up the World.
Clean Up the World Project
The Clean Up the Coastline enterprise is linked to the Clean Up the World Project, a global, community based environmental initiative that motivates and enpowers individuals and organisations to take part in clean up activities. The project has been running for 15 years and is partnered with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which annully mobilies 35 million volunteers from 120 countries The Clean Up the World campaign brings together business, schools, community groups and governments together to take part in a range of activities which make a positive impact on local communnities. The Clean Up the World weekend takes place on the 16/17th September. For more information, visit www.cleanup.org.au
Outline of the CUC Project:
End of April: | Clean up event with international individuals taking part in the Falling Walls Moving Cultures seminar. |
End of May: | World environmental day clean up event with work camp leaders, youth organisations, environmental organisations and other people willing to help. This is scheduled to happen on 27th - 28th May. |
June until August | Several clean up events on Saturdays for companies and other organisations interested in an extraordinary team building experience. |
June until September | Clean the coastland in more than 30 two week long work camps with international volunteers at various different locations around Iceland. |
End of August: | Clean up the coastline with schools in Reykjavik. Teaching about environmental issues in classes. |
August and September | Children create art work out of garbage in classes. |
16th / 17th of September | Opening of the garbage art work exhibition in Reykjavik.Show information posters about the CUC Project and photos of the work camps. Celebrate a cultural event with music, art and food. |
Until the end of September | Two weeks of exhibition in Reykjavik
Information for Partners
Your school can be involved in the project in the following ways:
22nd August - 7th September
CUC leaders come to your class for between 1 and 4 lessons and teach about garbage and environmental issues. We have lots of t eaching materials including worksheets, games, songs and ideas for discussions.
CUC leaders clean an area of Icelandic coastline near to your school with your class by picking up garbage.At the coast we play games involving garbage and collect some waste for the following art work.
The school pupils create some garbage art work with the items they have collected during the clean up.You can also invent songs or a play involving garbage that can be presented at the exhibition in Reykjavik.
Clean Up the Coastline exhibition in Rekyjavik - 16th - 17th September
The garbage art work of pupils will be presented to the public in Reykjavik. Informative posters about the CUC Project and photos of the work camps will be shown. Music and appetisers will complete the opening party. The opening of the exhibit will be celebrated with all people involved in the CUC Project. The art work exhibition itself will last until the end of September.
Important for teachers!
We would like to talk to you about our educational input in class and the organisation of the clean up activity.
As a partner, you can become involved in the following ways:
Becoming involved in cleaning up the coastline events.
Collecting the garbage at cleaning sites.
Help us clear away heavy or dangerous pieces of garbage.
Provide us with information about environmental issues in Iceland.
Provide us with information about sites of the coastline that need to be cleaned urgently.
Support us in research projects about the characteristics of the garbage, its consistence, its harmfulness to the environment and its origin.Help us organise the opening of the garbage art work exhibition in Reykjavik.
Provide us with contacts to bands and other culturally active people that would like to take part in the opening of the garbage art work exhibition.
Veraldarvinir organises a clean up the coastline activity for you and your co-workers near the site of your company! You can have a fun filled, fantastic day out with your co-workers, involving extraordinary team building and motivational experiences. Moreover, you do something good for the nature of Iceland.We can offer you different dates on 7 Saturdays for undertaking a clean up activity with us and your company!
June: 23rd or 30th
July: 21st or 28th
August: 11th, 18th or 25th
Choose one of the dates and contact us!(If none of these dates are suitable to you we can also try to arrange an event on another date for you).
There are also many other ways your company can help us, by:
Collecting garbage at cleaned coastal sites, helping us clear away heavy or dangerous pieces of garbage, providing us with new information about environmental problems in Iceland, providing us with helpful tools for our activities abd supporting us financially (bank account: 0301-26-206084; kennitala: 4806012540). For any support given, we will mention you on our homepage, www.wf.is.
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